Beer Cheese and Potato Soup
My perfect soup for a crowd! Make in advance and heat to serve a slew of guests. What makes this soup unforgettable at an event is a toppings bar. Feel free to get creative but I love serving with sliced scallions, potato chips and extra cheese.

Sicilian Fish Stew with Garlic Aioli
Think of this as the lighter, less expensive version of cioppino, the stew that was created by Italian immigrants in San Francisco, California. It’s perfect for your upcoming beach dinner party! Serve with a crispy, white wine from Italy like Vermentino.

Cold, Triple Onion Dippy
Prepare the breath mints for this one. It’s got loads of onion flavor and beats of the other onion dips that come in a jar. It’s great with the classic Ruffles chips, fresh flat bread or even on a steak.